Sunday, March 31, 2013

Once Upon a Time

Rapunzel Tower

We focused on princess stories for a week and one of our projects was to make a Rapunzel Tower.

Here is our material list:

  •  toilet paper tubes
  •  grey construction paper (cut in half)
  •  black construction paper (cut in 4" circles)
  •  Face-colored construction paper (cut in thumb-size circles)
  •  Yellow yarn (12" sections folded in half twice and knotted)
  •  colored pencils
  •  tape
  • double-sided tape.

First, we attached the grey construction paper to the tube, rolled it up, and secured it with tape. Kids were given time to decorate their tower at this time, if they wanted.

Next, Rapunzel's face was drawn on her head. The head was double-sided taped to the tower.  The hair section was also secured to the tower with double-sided tape.

The roof of the tower was made using the black circle. A line was drawn and cut on the radius (outside to the center of circle). Then, the circle overlapped itself to form a cone. This was fastened with tape and set on the tower. 

We now had a forest of Rapunzel towers. Boy and girls in the class had fun making this project.

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